Are You Healthy and Well?
When you answer the question you can think of the following four concepts as giving you an overall feeling of health and wellbeing.
1. Physical Wellbeing
Examples of being in good physical health and well being include:
a. Healthy Nutrition:
Just eat everything in moderation using the four main groups - milk and milk products, meat and meat alternatives, breads and cereals, fruits and vegetables and the food pyramid as a guide. You eat most of the last two food groups mentioned and least of foods high in sugar, salt and saturated fats eg sweets. chips, chocolate.
If your diet is out of balance then you could become obese and have a buildup of toxins.
Find out here how you can cleanse your body and loose weight.
Here is a healthy recipe to check out.
b. Healthy Skin:
This could include
~ using a sunblock to protect your skin from ultra violet light.
~ doing a daily regime of cleansing, toning, moisturizing.
The eyes have delicate skin around them and therefore need a specific formulation e.g. Olay Regenerist Eye Lifting Serum.
As you mature skin gets thinner, drier and less elastic causing wrinkles to form. Therefore you can apply creams or serums to help smooth out the appearance of these wrinkles. Retinol is the whole molecule of vitamin A and an antioxidant. It is put in skincare creams and serums because it can penetrate through the outer layer of skin down to the lower layers where collagen is. So why not try the Retinol Correction DeepWrinkle Serum.
Read an article on Healthy Skincare Regime Here
Find Some Health Products Here
c. Plenty of Exercise:
The best way to exercise is to do something you enjoy so you stick to it. eg swimming, cycling, running, GOLF, squash, dancing, yoga, pilates etc
2. Mental and Emotional Wellbeing
This is related to coherant thinking processes, acknowledging and expressing thoughts and feelings and responding constructively.
This is where you control any emotions you have in a positive way. If you bottle it up or express it inappropriately , then you could become stressed , which can tense up your body and cause illness.
To help keep positve and happy then doing an exciting hobby in your spare time could be the way to go. There are plenty of options to choose from, for instance learning a musical instrument, being creative with a craft or puzzling away at a sudoku to stimulate the mind.
3. Social Wellbeing
You might belong to a group(s) related to your interests eg sports team, orchestra, art group, church or....... And this feels good.
4. Spiritual Wellbeing
This is related to the values and beliefs that determine the way people live, the search for meaning and purpose in life, and personal identity and self awareness.
All four concepts influence and support each other in strength.
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